SFH3 Run #298
: 01/08/1990
: Oceana High School, Pacifica
: Vee Dee & Shiggy Lips
: Shaft

Run #298 Oceana High School - Pacifica

It was a cold, dark and forbidding night. Typical Pacifica weather. Perfect for hashing. The evening regressed from there. Incredibly, there were bare legs, bare arms, and by the end bare bums.

The trail started up, (of course), a path that opened up onto a large, playing field with the first check. Soon cries of on-on were heard and the entire mass of wankers took off onto the first of six false trails. Once the entire group had been fooled, to the delight of Vee Dee, we headed out into the streets and up the hills. Near the top of the next hill came the next check. Two ways go – more up or more down. Being intelligent hashers that we are – ½ the group went up looking for trail. The other ½ stood their ground, breathing hard and exercised their ears. The faint and distant sound from way up could be heard, “False Fucking Trail!”

After exiting the hills, it was off the streets and onto the shiggy, through the trees, up the hill, over the fence, across the highway, through the tunnel, down the road, around the corner and mercifully on to the beer check — ahh…

The on in started with mud, progressed to puddles, enlarged to small ponds and climaxed with sex the ocean. With a little help from Charles Manson A.K.A. Agent Orange, we all got wet. Somehow this mysterious trail led to a locked gate, where only the skinny wankers and jumping dweebs could squeeze through or climb over. I guess that about covers all of us.

The last of the false trails loomed ahead. There it was – rearing its ugly head – the pier that had no end! To no ones surprise, at least twelve hapless, (or is it helpless), hashers followed the trail onto the pier. A pitiful group that should deserve double down downs.

Down downs were conducted by our G.M. Snakeless. Vee Dee and Shiggy Lips, the hares, were respectfully down downed for causing this event. Shiggy Lips did a double because she stayed home to sew saturday night instead of joining the 200 - 300th party. We had visitor down downs to Popcorn and Moon Muffin from Seoul Korea – Muffin didn’t finish her’s, so Popcorn promptly helped her finish it from the top of her head. Other down downs for Quil and pervert – I’m not sure why – and the ever abusive generally obnoxious, (could be a redundancy), Agent Orange. We had a visitor from L.A. recovering from a broken tail bone and bragging about his tatooed rump. This group of non-believers were not satisfied without visual proof. – To the ankles went the pants with shorts from the women. – or something like that. – Anyway he left with a new hash name, “Cocksic”.

We had one brave newbie, June, that thought she avoided her down down by kissing Snakeless. A deceptively simple, but admirable ploy on Snakeless’ part – why didn’t I think of that?

The on on was held down highway 1 at Vallemar Sports Bar. The spaghetti was cheap ($3.00), the beer was excellent ($1.00), the company was the best.

  On On,
