Welcome Newbies
If you are new to San Francisco or new to the San Francisco hash, this is the page for you. Please consider joining us for a run, we would love to meet you, and you WILL have fun in addition to many other benefits.
Who are the San Francisco Hash House Harriers?
We are about 40 – 60 people every Monday night, mostly a bunch of professionals who enjoy letting our hair down (ok, maybe even a little “frat” mentality), running, and drinking beer. We are a wide variety of age and running ability, from very fast to walkers and everything in between. This is an international organization, you can find hashes in countless cities around the world. While there is no direct connection between them, they all have very similar formats, and in fact, you’d be welcomed in any hash you attend (some hashes are single sex only, however).
What is hashing?
It is an international “running game” whereby the pack (that’s you) tries to solve the trail by interpreting marks put down in chalk and flour by the “hares” – those who set the trail. There are a few more details that we will teach you when you arrive.
When does the hash run?
Every Monday night, rain or shine, starting at 6:15 p.m.
What is the general format each week?
6:15ish: Start gathering
6:30ish: Hares away. The rest of the group is ready to start running. Towards end of run: Beer check (and water)
7:45ish: General socializing around the keg
8:00ish: “Down downs”: Organized announcements and such
9:00ish: head to the bar/restaurant
Where is it?
It starts in a different place every week (choice of the hares), that’s the beauty of it! It is a fantastic way to get to know the nooks and crannies of the city. We have probably run on every street, every trail, and in every alleyway at one time or another. We’ll take you to the narrowest alleys and the highest peaks with incredible nighttime views of this beautiful city. Each week’s start is posted to this website and usually an email is sent out to the hash email list.
How long are the runs?
80% of the runs are in the 4 – 6 mile range. Some will go to 7ish, and often there is a “turkey/eagle” split, which provides shorter vs. longer options.
What if I get lost?
Some say the risk of misadventure makes the sight of the keg all that much sweeter. Others just say get me to the fucking beer. Whatever your preference, we can accommodate, in more ways than one.
Generally, 99.69% of trails will end up back where they start, so if all else fails, finding your way back there will reunite you with the pack and get you your fair share of snacks and beer. We generally stop for a beer check about a half mile from the start, so you can expect us back between 8-8:30.
If you are more of a risk taker, just pay attention to chalk talk, where we explain the marks, and then follow along with the pack as best you can. We try to help each other out by putting marks down as we run to indicate where we think the trail goes. You can tell true hashers from the foolish mortals without beer by our calls of "On On!" You can call out "Are you?" to get a response.
If you want to play it safe, ask for either a trail map (sometimes provided by our noble hares) or for just the location of the beer check. Ask for Hand Pump or a Mismanagement member to help you out. That way if you get lost you'll be able to find the fastest course to the keg.
The wisest of hashers, of course, will stick to the walkers' group. They still sometimes get lost (we are half-minds, after all), but they're smart enough to find a pub when they need one.
What if I'm not a fast runner?
Good, you definitely belong with us. We have competitive members, but we mostly leave our timing chips, energy gels, and race shirts at home for another day. Our hares try to design their trails to trick the faster runners and allow the slower runners time to catch up, so everyone arrives at the keg around the same time.
What should I bring?
- Running shoes that are NOT brand new (trust us on this one)
- Any apres-running gear that you like to change into, most just change a shirt and put on sweats
- WARM outerwear for later, we tend to hang out outside for quite a while
- $7 (unless it’s your first time or you pay 6 month dues – see below)
- A flashlight/headlamp during the winter – we run in the dark!
- A sense of humor
How much does it cost?
As a newbie, your first hash is on us. After that, it is $8 per run. For your $8, in addition to the run, you also get multiple trips to a keg of GOOD beer, snacks, water, and soda. There is also an option of paying 6 months in advance at a good break, but that is only offered in September and March of each year.
What about my stuff?
If you do not drive and have a bag of stuff (hopefully you brought warm clothes for after the run), you will be able to put your stuff in a locked car or van. Make sure to show up on time if you need to stow your stuff.
Is there any kind of formal membership?
There is no membership, and everyone who works on organizing the hashes as well as the “big events” (Bay to Breakers Weekend and holiday party), are purely volunteers. Your weekly money goes towards beer, food, water, snacks, etc., and some extras now and then.
What about other “real” food?
Each week after all the festivities we go to a local establishment for food, more beer, etc.
What are hash names all about?
If you stick around long enough, you will receive your own special hash name, usually related to something you do or say. Until then, you are known as Just “insert your first name here”.
Read more about hashing:
7x7 Article on SFH3 (8/29/2011)
SF Gate Article (8/11/2000)
What if I have more questions?
Feel free to email this year’s (mis)management (gms@sfh3.com), with any additional questions. We’re looking forward to meeting you
– The San Francisco Hash